802 system controller with powered mixer (SoundLab)

I'm a PA novice and have been given an old pair of 802 speakers with 802-c system controller, and an old powered mixer to use with them. The loudspeakers work well but I'm aware that I should use the 802-c to equalize the sound. My problem is that I'm not sure how to connect the 802-c with the powered mixer, since I figure it would usually be used with a separate mixer and amp.

The powered mixer is a 12-channel SoundLab PMX-1252D. There's no manual and it's so old I can't find one online either. Does anyone know if the 802-c can be connected without blowing anything up? Where would I connect it in/out?



Hello, tngame.

Welcome to the Bose Portable PA Community.

We have moved your question to a different community where you can get an answer. Please see 802 system controller with powered mixer (SoundLab)

Thank you,

 Bose Pro Community Admin

From where can I download a copy of this mixer user manual please? Or there is someone that can send me a scanned copy of it's user book please?