Hi Modeler support team,
Could you provide me the coefficient data of the air absorption that Modeler has been using. I will need the concrete numeric value on some conditions about temperature and humidity so a formula to find the coefficient would be better than a graph.
Best regards,
Hi Kakudo,
unfortunately, I do not have documentation on this, we would need to double-check with Tom Birkle.
In our Matlab tools, air absorption is applied as defined in ISO 9613-1 and I believe this is the same in Modeler. For the ISO stuff, it’s relatively easy for me to make you a table which lists alphas in dB/km e.g. vs. temperature.
But maybe you are already OK by experimenting in Modeler: Just take an omni source in a free field model and place a listener in a large distance (maybe 100m or even a km). Then predict DF frequency response and note the attenuation (primarily at HF) when you play around with humidity and temperature.
Let me know how much information you need and I can see what’s possible.
Best rgds,
Hi Thomas,
Thank you for reply. One of Modeler users have to explain how Modeler calculate RT60 to his customer. Regarding the coefficient of the air absorption I thought I would offer the concrete value but it might be okay for him with having where that has come from. So can we tell him that Modeler uses ISO 9613-1 as the coefficient?
Best regards,
Hi Kakudo,
we have received information from Engineering (Tom Birkle) regarding this matter.
The air absorption is not calculated according to ISO. The method used in Modeler has been described in a JAES article by Dennis Bohn. It can be downloaded here (it’s also a RANE application note).
Please let me know in case you have any additional questions.
best rgds,
This is good info and discussion. Thanks Thomas for info.
Thank you, Thomas. I really appreciate your help.