AVM-1 with Controlspace ESP Processors

Someone please help to identify whether we can connect AVM-1 Microphones with Control Space ESP Processors for Auto Volume Compensation Application. If yes then which DSP Toolkit shall be used to do the Auto Volume Compensation within the DSP Blocks.

I recently installed a complete Bose sound products for a Casino (ex-1280C, PM8500 Dante, DM6C, ...) and the customer wants auto gain volume and I discovered that AVM-1 is only working with CSP processeur... what a surprised to see that the most expensive processor from Bose doesn't work with the AVM-1.

Could you please advise when this option will be available?


I can't tell to my customer "sorry, you have to buy an additionnal ESP to get this feature..."


thanks in advance!

Hello PKS,


Auto Volume Compensation for the ControlSpace processors is on the roadmap.
At this moment, only the CSP processors support Auto Volume Compensation.

