B2 Bass Module Failure?

Gigging tonight with a system consisting of 2 Bose L1 Model 2 towers with B2 bass modules connected to each. We're running a Mackie ProFx12 mixer fed by laptops, and everything has worked great for 5 years.


Tonight, for the first time ever, we simultaneously lost both B2 bass modules. It's confounding, because it seems odd that we'd lose TWO bass modules, each one attached to its own L1 power base.


Do these ever just cease to work?

Hello Two Big Guys,


I think it would be a major coincidence to lose two at the same time, as the L1's automatic limiters should kick in.  The first thing I'd check would be the cables connecting the B2's,  They are the most likely culprit, and the NL4 connectors are user-repairable if there is a loose wire.  (I still wouldn't think it would happen to both at once, but at least it's the one thing you can check yourself.)


Beyond that, try setting up in your practice location and test, swapping the B2's.  If you still don't get any sound, it's probably time to call Bose support directly:

BoseĀ® Product & Technical Support at (877) 335-2673
(U.S. and Canada only)
Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM ET