Ben_E in Meet the community

Horses and surfers.jpg


Username: Ben_E

Role: Community Moderator

How long have you been with Bose? Since April 2017

Favorite part of working at Bose: Assisting German customers

Favorite Bose product: SoundTouch 10 wireless music system, SoundSport wireless headphones


Favorite music genres: Folk, metal, experimental electronic music

Favorite artist or band: My latest love was Nightwish. Arch Enemy are decent, too

Favorite movie: Dreamcatcher

Favorite TV show: Our Yorkshire Farm

Favorite book: The Purple Plain (H. E. Bates)

Favorite food: Breakfast cereal

Favorite place to vacation: Scotland, Ireland

Hobbies: Writing music and stories (and trying to sell them), visiting new places, spending time with my wife 😊

Dream job as a child: Professional musician

If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Teleportation (2050, maybe?)

Do you have any pets? Not yet