This is just a scaling of rigs that a mobile DJ such as myself can take advantage of using the Bose Products... I seldom play outdoors. So with that here is my scaling model.
2 S1 Pro - Small
2 S1 Pro / 1 F1 Sub
2 F1 812 - don't know, but could be comparable to the above rig
2 F1 812 / 1 F1 Sub
2 F1 812 / 2 F1 Subs
2 F1 812 / 4 F1 Subs
4 F1 812 / 4 F1 Subs - Large
With this in your arsenal, it all comes down to how big is your event and how much gear do you want to haul and set up.
I own the same Bose gear you listed above with the addition of two Mod. II's with B2's and one Compact. The Bose gear is very scale-able. On a side note I do enjoy using the L1's more than the F1 system for DJ work... especially for weddings. I typically use the F1 series for school dances and live sound.