Bluetooth Pairing

Using my Quiet Comfort II headphones.


Around 90% of the time I turn them on I have to re-pair them with my phone or any other device.  I'm on the latest firmware.  Anyone seen anything like this before, or have any idea how to fix this issue?


Support says I'm out of warranty and offered to sell me a new pair, but that's not really a great solution.


(I do not work for Bose).  What I would do is start everything over from scratch.  First unpair and remove ALL your bluetooth entries, if possible - or at least all your Bose BT entries.  Then (after that), clear out the BT list on your QC35 by sliding the button for at least 10 seconds.  Then try to pair with something OTHER than the devices you are having an issue with.  If that works, then try your phone.  If the phone does not work - its a phone issue not a QC35 issue.  If you can't it to work on any device after clearing/resetting, then it is likely your QC35ii and it needs replace/repair.


writing to complain of the same problem. if the sound on these things wasnt so incredibly amazing there's no way i'd put up with the utterly shocking bluetooth pairing experience. anyone reading this before making a purchase decision, buy these if you can put up with totally rubbish connectivity in exchange for amazing sound. 

p.s. Bose, what on earth man, how could you let the team down like this. Besides the problem being discussed in this thread, when switching connection from my iphone to my mac you make me re-pair the headphones, come on.. 

Thanks. Clearing the list and re-pairing worked like a charm.