This is just a quick comparison of the two speakers. I want to start out by saying that they are both loud. They both sound good. The QSC was able to get louder than the 812 before clipping, but not by much. Also, there was a different quality to the “loudness” from both speakers.
For the sake of my testing, I ran the 812 in the C position. I did this because I am not fully sold on the Vertical coverage benefits of the flex array. I am a DJ who will most likely always play on the same level as my audience. So that means that the “Straight” position would be my go-to position. In this position, I do not enjoy the sound. They don’t sound bad, however I am accustomed to a horn. So they just sound different. I may get accustomed to this or maybe not. Some people describe the sound as muffled. I just describe it as lacking something because of my familiarity with a horn in my top cabs. Maybe Bose tailored that sound for the straight because they knew this position would be shooting directly at heads..I don’t know. Anyway, I tested in C position because that position gave me the sound that would rival a horn.
K12 Normal/Flat vs 812 Full range – Winner is 812. The 812 had more low end and crispy sound. The K12 got louder before clipping but did not hold the same pleasant sound as lower volumes. The 812 having better bass response.
K12 Normal/Vocal Boost vs 812 Full Range – Winner 812. I chose 812 because with the vocal boost engaged, it seemed to put the vocals and high end in front of the overall music being played back. The 812 remained even throughout with better low end response.
K12 Deep vs 812 Full Range – Winner 812. This is the only configuration where the K12 could keep up with the bass response of the 812
K12 Ext Sub vs 812 With Sub – Winner 812. Sound-wise I gave this to the 812, but function-wise, the K12 wins. The EXT sub mode on the K12 seems to cut more of the low frequencies than the 812 Sub mode. This allows the K12 to get slightly louder than the 812. I do think that the 812 With Sub Mode coupled with the HP on the F1 Sub gives the 812 an additional cut that would be equivalent to the K12 Ext Sub mode.
Conclusion, I sold the K12s and kept the 812s. They are both top notch products. I was going to run the QSC with my new F1 Subs, but the entire F1 System sound better together than apart. It’s like yeah, you can run the subs under other speakers, but the overall sound won’t be the same as if you paired it with its natural mate. To touch on the flex array benefits again, I think you get better EQ benefits from the different array patterns than coverage benefits. I mean think about it, can two 2.25in drivers pointed slightly up really made a dent in the absence of full sound vertically?
Nice review! I have been running the 812 tops for a year now and mostly run them in the "straight" position... after reading your review I will do a some more experimenting with different positions. Thanks!!
Thanks. I will also play around with the straight formation more to find it's rightful place in my application
Thanks DJ8X
Nice review
Agree with the EQ benefits over coverage benefits.
Do you have any more insight into the loudness comparison?
We also have run the K 12’s but for live bands and we found that the 812’s aren’t quite as loud as any other speaker that we use ( Yorkville Paraline or k12)
As a sidenote last week we had the opportunity to do a rehearsal space comparison of the F812s, Yorkville, and the new EAWRSX129 speakers
Going into the control comparison we had preconceived notion’s that our Yorkville system would sound thinner and that the F1 would sound significantly better. We weren’t sure what to think of the EAW.
After about 90 minutes of bouncing Tracks back-and-forth between the three systems Our preconceived notions were not grounded.
We found
The EAW could go much louder with clarity over the other two systems.
The Yorkville did much better than we had anticipated.
The F1 didn’t do as well as we thought. In hindsight we should have altered the position Of the Bose to the C. position but we kept everything in the street position.
Our overall Takeaways:
For size performance ratio Yorkville system was a very good choice. Big plus to this system is the ability to scale it upwards. Up to four Tops and multiple subs can be stacked for very large events
Size not withstanding the EAW with a sub was a very smooth relaxed sounding system. And with a 90° Or 60 horizontal dispersion we could see using two per side in a splay arrangement for larger venues.
The F1 system, considering cost, size and quality outweighs the other two systems.
My personal opinion was that the EAW system with the subs had the smoothest and most relaxed sound overall. Also think it could cover larger gigs with fewer boxes However the investment for this system is about twice that of the f1 and about 50 percent more than the paraline Felt the benefits aren’t worth the cost
One of our struggles with using the f1 system is gigs for a dancing crowd for over 400 to 500 patrons Seems One tower per side isn’t quite enough
Rodger is it the 812s, F1 subs or both that can't seem keep up with that size crowd?
Are the stacks on the ground level or elevated? Have you tried putting both subs in the center & raising the 812 tops up on stands to get the sound over the crowd?
Hi jd
stacks usually on ground level. Left side and right side.
With the f1 we have not tried to cluster subs or elevate tops.
For smaller gigs we have elevated tops without subs.
We can try that next gig.
In all honesty we really want to use the f1 for all gigs from 100 to over 500 but find our other systems seem to be more adaptable fir larger gigs.
Please see this new discussion for your question.
I'm on the fence about a pair of F1's with a few questions.
Thank you.