Bose t1 lost all channel settings

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Bose product name

Tone match t1 connected to L1 model 2


United Kingdom


Have been using this unit in a studio environment for nearly a year so not moved for mobile work.

Having had no problems at all with the T1 until yesterday, on start up unit reset all information relating to any channel, all EQ returned to flat and any effects returned to Bypass, unit is operating operating correctly as can gain all access to screens to re apply new settings. Can anyone let me know why this might have happened, months of fine tuning lost, probably should have saved , but on start up it always stayed with previous days setting .


I look forward to any comments and advice.   Many thanks



Hi Nigel!

Thank you for your post, sorry to hear this has happened.

Unfortunately, there is no way to recall temporary settings on the T1 once they have reset. I recommend recreating your previous setup as closely as possible, then saving to a Scene for easy recall in the future. 

Hope this helps!