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Bose product name
Firmware Version
App Version
What devices were you using that were affected and what version are they on (e.g. Samsung Galaxy S9 on Android 11, iPhone X on iOS14, etc.) IPhone 10
Detailed description of the issue and steps to reproduce
Bose T1 tone match previously working and able to be connected IPhone and Mics successfully. When connected no audio coming through speaker. I can see the light green breaking on the device as if receiving audio but nothing coming through the speakers. Photos attached.
What environment do you experience the issue in? (e.g. noisy office, quiet kitchen, etc.) No Audio
When did you start to experience the issue? Did it work correctly previously? Previously Working
I would start by verifying that major components and connections are functioning properly first. You could try connecting the T1 mixer to the L1 stand using a 1/4" balanced TRS cable instead of the ToneMatch cable. Then use a mic on the T1 to test audio output through the system. If that works you may have a bad ToneMatch cable but you will know that the T1 and the L1 are good. If there's still no audio then I would find another system to directly connect to the analog port on the L1 (bypassing the T1 and ToneMatch cable). This would have to be something that could use a balanced connection to the L1 (if you have access to a different mixer). Based on your photos everything is powered up and your input signal is present on the T1. You said you also replaced the cable to the iPhone. Maybe also disconnect the B2 for testing. See if you can get any audio through the tower from the T1 using a mic instead of the iPhone connection. Perhaps some of the others on the forum have some ideas. I would be thinking "Is my T1 outputting audio to my L1 and is my L1 outputting sound. Eliminating the ToneMatch cable would help verify that. I think I read that a standard RJ-45 (ethernet) patch cable could be used, provided it has the correct pinouts. Using an analog output on the T1 and connecting via 1/4" TRS cable to the L1 tests the ToneMatch cable and ports. Still no audio, then remove the T1 and connect an appropriate audio source directly to the L1 analog port.