Bose T8s Mixer - sharing Liquid Jazz Project - Setup with ultimate reverb

My sincere thanks to ST for being patience and working with me through the years. He is the "Technical Advisor" on the Bose forum and works extremely hard in providing the best advice. His patience and guidance together with detail pictures and documentation has helped many Bose forum users achieve the results they had been expecting.

We expect Bose Professional System Corporate should value his Technical Experience - Excellent Customer support dedication, commitment and loyalty to the company. We in the Bose Community expect that they will recognize him with a High Achievement Employee Award.

Here are the settings that we have finally found to be the ultimate setting.

Reverb settings 

Menu    Type (Large)     Bal (100)   Time (50)    (Reverb Type)

Reverb Mix (30%) Bright (47%)


Master 12 o'clock Trim 3 o'clock Individual Volume 12 o'clock (as required)

On the main Bose L1 Base (keep the Analog volume at 1/4 (9 o'clock) 

Hope this helps our Bose Forum users.


Maximilan De Souza (Liquid Jazz Project Toronto Canada 

Proud Member and user of Bose Professional Systems 









Hi Max,

Thanks for sharing your ultimate settings. I'm delighted you have found a set up that works for you.

Steinberger posted:
? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ? - ?

Here are the settings that we have finally found to be the ultimate setting.

Reverb settings 

Menu    Type (Large)     Bal (100)   Time (50)    (Reverb Type)

Reverb Mix (30%) Bright (47%)


Master 12 o'clock Trim 3 o'clock Individual Volume 12 o'clock (as required)

On the main Bose L1 Base (keep the Analog volume at 1/4 (9 o'clock) 

Hope this helps our Bose Forum users.


Maximilan De Souza (Liquid Jazz Project Toronto Canada 

Proud Member and user of Bose Professional Systems 

And thank you too, for your kind comments.  Please let's keep the conversation about the music and the ways we can help each other to enjoy our performances, and our audiences to enjoy what we do.