CLF importation problem

Hi all

I just tried to design a room in Modeler with a CLF file from another brand
but I obtained a weird thing. The speaker file look completly empty but I tried to
check the same file with a CLF viewer and all looked ok.

I put in attachment the screenshot file.

Thank you


I just got the same result.
The file I used is a CLF2 file, I think.
For the programmers, attached is the CLF file.


I made some test with CLF import, I don’t want to design D&B system with
Modeler but I want to compare. I tried other files from JBL and some look
good and the other one have the same problem.

The CLF import it’s a very cool tool to compare different speakers/brand
in the same design.

I use EASE program but I prefer Modeler and if it’s possible to compare
speaker/brand with Modeler that’s make me happy.

Thank you



You’re right Thomas, the only files from JBL that don’t work with modeler
is the VP serie and these files have the mention powered.



Hi guys,

I’m still on vacation, thus only a sparse answer…

The d&b files are ‘Powered’ in CLF notation, meaning that they don’t contain the usual sensitivity numbers per band that we need to work properly with speaker files.

This is a limitation of the current way we import CLF files and I apologize for any inconvenience. Unfortunately, there’s no easy fix. The only way is to talk to d&b and ask them for a set of ‘passive’ speaker files. I understand that they are reluctant to do that since they want to ensure proper usage in conjunction with their amplifiers and any special signal processing and limiting.

As an alternative, you can try to use EASE speaker data but I currently don’t know if d&b is supplying EASE data as well.

Again, sorry for the bad news. We have this on the list of fixes for a future release.



Hi Pierre-Paul,

If you have a specific JBL file that doesn’t work, please let us know or post the data here.

I will then take a look.

