Looking for some help please in the correct or optimum setup for a DJ using the L1 Model 2 and T1 Tonematch connecting through a Pioneer DJM 900 NXS2 mixer.
I know there are a couple of Presets in the Tonematch for Quiet Backing music or loud msuic. I am just struggling to work out the correct cable configuration between the Pioneer DJM Mixer the Tonematch and the L1. I use a Microphone as well for talking should this be routed through a channel on the T1 or through the mixer? Should the Mixer also be set to Mono rather than stereo?
There are several different configurations you could have with this setup. One example:
Connect the XLR master outputs on the DJM-900NXS2 to inputs on the T1.
Connect from the T1 to the L1 model II using a ToneMatch cable (digital) or using a 1/4" TRS cable (analog).
As the L1 model II is a mono system (as it has only one speaker array), you may want to set the DJM's output to mono if that option is available.
The microphone can be connected to either the DJM or the T1 mixer - I recommend connecting the mic to whichever one you have easiest access to when performing.
I'd say experimenting with different setups and refining over time would be the best way to go here.