CSD 5.9.2 search function broken in help file

When you search for a topic in the help file, nothing will be found



HI Mear,


I'm sorry, but I can not replicate this issue on my end. Users have not reported this as a problem. 

I assume you've tried other search terms than 'pset' ? 

'pset' is not something that's used in ControlSpace terms. It's just something that some people say short for 'parameter set'.


If the problem continues though, I'd recommend re-installing CSD 5.9.2.


Thank you,


Hello Buddy,


I tried it on several computers and also tried to reinstall CSD 5.9.2
If I try to look up "pset" "Panaray" "FreeSpace" "Matrix" using CSD 5.8 the topic is found.
But when I try to do the same using CSD 5.9.2 (33684) the item is not found.
I briefly see a pop up "Click cancel to stop the search""


After this, I get the notification  that the "No topics found"

I will send you a movie later on.

Arno Reus


Hi Mear,


Arno is absolutely correct. The version of 5.9.2 I had tested was not identical as the one on the website. This is indeed a known issue at this point. Our software engineering team is aware of this, and has implemented a fix for the next version update. 


For now, you should be able to use the help file from any older version.  (i.e. 5.9.1 or earlier)

You can load it outside of CSD 5.9.2 from the ControlSpace folder (Program Files x86)


Thank you,

