CSD crashes every time I'm going online. Tried to reinstall it but same results. Dante services are running ('conmon' and 'DanteDiscovery').
Anything else I can try?
CSD crashes every time I'm going online. Tried to reinstall it but same results. Dante services are running ('conmon' and 'DanteDiscovery').
Anything else I can try?
Hi Tomas,
This can be caused by several issues. The most common would be a project file mismatch, or a file corruption.
My recommendation is to first retrieve the file and save it. Check HW Manager for a mismatched project IP. If this is not the case, then start a new file- scan (to bring devices into project view) and then go online and 'send to devices'. This is like sending a 'blank' file.
If this works, then go back offline, load your original file and go online ('send to devices').
The only other possibility is that there's an issue with Visual C Redistributable, or .NET framework in Windows. If this is the case, usually a re-installation in a different folder will solve it. But it can get trickier. I'd also try another PC as a 'quicker' potential solution.