Hi All,
Following a great suggestion from we're setting up this thread as the place to suggest and request URLs for use with the 'Stream Custom Radio URL' feature.
If you have any sites that you have been using to find your URLs, or specific stations you would like help finding, post below and as a community we can find the best places to stream these stations from!
Here is a guide for finding the URL for your station to help as well.
1. Open your browser on your PC (we tested with Chrome).
2. Find a website where you can listen to the radio station, then play it.
3. Press the F12 key on your keyboard.
4. Click in the left high "box" (where the code of the page is, this will make sure you search in the right part), then press Control F on your keyboard. Look for "<audio>", "<audio id>" or an audio format such as "MP3" or "AAC" .
5. If you can find yellow underlined text via "<audio>" or "<audio id>", right-click on it, then click "edit to HTML".
If "<audio>" or "<audio id>" do not return a result, find a link that looks like one of the ones I provided above using the format search (MP3, AAC ...)
- Then, in both cases, find the link of the radio station (usually dark blue, starting with "http"), copy it and open it in another tab
7. Make sure it works by clicking Play. If so, enter this link in the SoundTouch app. If this is not the case, find another link by following the steps above again with another website.
Thanks in advance for helping us and each other collect the best places to stream your favourite stations.
Kind Regards,
Keith_L - Community Support -