Delay & Reverb On TI for karaoke

I have T1 & L1 Model 1s w/B2

I use for karaoke. I'm looking for a starting point to get understanding of best setting for vocal effects for karaoke . Karaoke songs are played from laptop via usb through 4/5. Mics are 1/2/3. 

Delay / Reverb is a personal preference. The T1 has multiple settings for both. I would suggest you try them all until you find one that "You" like. Good Luck and let us know what you decide. Mister D

Hi Gdtp,


I would tend to agree with Mister_D's views and suggestions regarding Delay/Reverb.


My views on the use of them is that less is quite often more. By that I mean that it's usually better to be conservative with the amount of effect you give to the vocals. The only exception here would be if you're looking for some kind of "spacey" effect rather than just helping the vocals to hang in the air a little longer than having everything just "dry".


The more you give of these effects (especially reverb) tends to make the vocals less understandable (or muddier if you like) as the dry vocal gets pushed more into the background and the reverb part becomes more present. Also, the more reverb you use raises the liability for feedback.

When using Delay on vocals I also tend not to have it too long and not too many repeats as that also tends to muddy the vocals up (unless the effect is the main part of the vocals for particular songs).

With delay you might try a delay time between 30ms and 100ms with one repeat. This doesn't sound like much but it works a little like doubling (singing the same line twice on recordings) and thickens the vocal up a little.


As Mister_D stated, "Delay / Reverb is a personal preference" and my suggestions are just that. Suggestions. I'd give them a try, but at the end you'll have to find your own personal preferences. 


You state that you use the system for Karaoke. You may well find that some people will ask for more or less effect. 


Try settings out for yourself and record your trials. A smartphone is enough for such things unless you own a digital hand recorder. Listen to your recordings and you may well be able to answer your own questions regarding what type and amount of effect gives the best results for certain kinds of music.

Rock'n'Roll for instance quite often has a slapjack delay on the vocals, whereas a Ballad may have a hall reverb.


Hope this helps,

