ESP-88 Loudspeaker Database Updates

ESP-88 Loudspeaker Equalization Database Updates
With the release of ControlSpace Designer version 2.075 it is now possible to update the loudspeaker database independent of the ControlSpace Designer application. Instructions that describe how to verify which version is installed and perform the upgrade are included in the following ‘Tech Note’.

Updating the Bose Loudspeaker Equalization Database

Current Loudspeaker Database Version:

Version: 06162010 (Jul 2010)
Adds support for DS40F and DS40SE Loudspeakers

Previous Loudspeaker Database Versions:

Version: 020609 (Jun 2009)
Added support for MA12EX Loudspeakers

Version: 112408 (Nov 2008)
Version shipped with ControlSpace Designer v2.050-v2.200
