Hector_B in Meet the community

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Username: Hector B

Role: Community Moderator

How long have you been with Bose? Since March 2019

Favorite part of working at Bose:  Being part of an awesome team.

Favorite Bose product: Bose Alto Frames


Favorite music genres: Rap/House Music

Favorite artist or band: Slow Thai

Favorite movie: The Wolf of Wall Street

Favorite TV show: Money Heist

Favorite book: How Brands Grow

Favorite food: Wingstop Korean BBQ Boneless Wings

Favorite place to vacation: Mexico

Hobbies: Gaming and collecting trainers.

Dream job as a child: Racing Driver

If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Invisibility.

Do you have any pets? Yes, a Bulldog called Winston.