I bet that some of the younger musicians think that this is a newer company. Well, my band "Curly Leads" had a BOSE speaker system on stage already in 1974. We were the second only band to have this system in Europe. Of course, it didn't look like the today's L1 PA. It consisted of several speakers, shaped a bit like the BOSE wave radio, just larger. What made it new and special was a small box, in which each speaker had to be plugged in. It had a name that we had never heard before: Equalizer.
In those days we all sang with enough reverb to make a bunch of old crows sound good. To our shock and amazement, BOSE produced such a clean and clear vocal sound, that we had to re-learn to sing, especially harmony. After hours of frustration and thoughts of quitting music for good, we finally got it together and wow! We were the best vocal band far and wide. If you know the Beach Boys song "Little old lady from Pasadena", you know how we sounded. Seven guys and a girl, of which four sang well, the rest did the oooh's and aaah's. 😂