How to connect a Bose T4s Tonematch to Bose T8s Tonematch


I am new to this forum.  I am wanting to connect my Bose T4s Tonematch mixer to my newly purchased Tonematch Bose T8's and I am hoping someone can tell me how best to that.  I purchased the T8's to get more channels.  I actually like the vocal quality and presets ie Singer/songwriter preset on the T4 that the T8 doesn't have.  I will probably continue to control vocals with my T4 and use the T8 for drums/percussion etc.  I would appreciate any input on this.  Thank you. 

Hi, bschmitzquc.

Welcome to the Bose Portable PA Community.

@bschmitzquc posted:


I am new to this forum.  I am wanting to connect my Bose T4s Tonematch mixer to my newly purchased Tonematch Bose T8S.

The first thing to do check that you are running the latest firmware.

T4S/T8S Firmware Update Instructions 

and I am hoping someone can tell me how best to that.  I purchased the T8's to get more channels.  I actually like the vocal quality and presets ie Singer/songwriter preset on the T4 that the T8 doesn't have.  I will probably continue to control vocals with my T4 and use the T8 for drums/percussion etc.  I would appreciate any input on this.  Thank you. 

You can recreate the settings for the Singer-Songwriter scene on your T8S.  Do this AFTER you update the firmware.

On the channel where you would like to recreate the Singer-Songwriter settings.

  1. Press the CH Edit button
  2. Rotary Selector to ToneMatch
    • Set Category: Vocal Mics
    • Preset: Handheld Mics
  3. Rotary Selector to zEQ
    • Set all values to 0.0 dB
  4. Rotary Selector to PARAEQ
    • Select BYPASS
  5. Rotary Selector to COMP/GATE
    • Select BYPASS
  6. Rotary Selector to MOD
    • Select BYPASS
  7. Rotary Selector to DELAY
    • Select BYPASS
  8. Rotary Selector to REVERB
    • Menu: Main
    • Mix: 30%
    • Bright: 30%
  9. Rotary Selector to REVERB TYPE

    • Menu: Main
    • Type: Medium
    • Bal: 50%
    • Time: 50%

Here's an article about connecting the T1 to the T8S

The principles are the same for the T4S as with the T1 except that you will connect the T4S Left and Right Outputs to the T8S (Aux inputs or channels 7 and 8). Please see the article for more details.

Does that help?

Yes, that helps, thank you ST for the quick response and clear explanation of what to do.  Really appreciate your knowledge !


ST the link that you posted "Here's an article about connecting the T1 to the T8S" is not active or at least when I click on it, it doesn't take me to an article with more details.  If there is any way you can check that link that would be great as I would like some additional information.


Thank you


Hi Brett,

Sorry about that. I have fixed the link in my original post.


Awesome thank you sir !!