How to set up (2) L1 compact with S1 as monitor

I have 2 Bose L 1 compacts and I just purchased S1 to use as monitor  for Karaoke setup . I’m using peaveyPv 10 unpowered mixer. I have the(2) L1 compacts linked together and plugged into the left channel of speaker output on mixer and the S1 plugged into the right channel of mixer but I can’t get any sound out of the S1 speaker. Any advice won’t be appreciated. 

Hi Lynn,

Welcome to the Bose Portable PA Community. I glad you found your way here.

Lynn posted:

I have 2 Bose L 1 compacts and I just purchased S1 to use as monitor  for Karaoke setup . I’m using peaveyPv 10 unpowered mixer. I have the(2) L1 compacts linked together and plugged into the left channel of speaker output on mixer and the S1 plugged into the right channel of mixer but I can’t get any sound out of the S1 speaker. Any advice won’t be appreciated.

I probably approach this differently, but I'll return that later.

Continuing on "I can’t get any sound out of the S1 speaker."

Are the channels panned up the middle?

If they are panned hard left, that would explain why there's no sound going to or coming out of the S1 Pro connected to the right channel output.

Does that help?

If so, then we've got your mixer working.

If it is working, I would set things up like this:

  • Peavey Left Output (XLR to 1/4 inch (6.3 mm) Tip-Ring-Sleeve cable to one L1 Compact 
  • Peavey Right Output (XLR to 1/4 inch (6.3 mm) Tip-Ring-Sleeve cable to the other L1 Compact 
  • Peavey Monitor Output to the S1 Pro (1/4 inch 6.3 mm) Tip-Ring-Sleeve cable.

That will make it possible to

  • Pan any channel to one side or the other (Left or RIght)
  • Control the volumes of the L1 Compacts separately
  • Create a separate monitor mix

Here's a link to the Peavey PV10 Owner's Manual. You can read about the Monitor send on page 9.

Does that help?

I'm using this same setup with the exception that I am using a Yamaha 12 channel mixer and 2 S1 Pros. From seeing this post I now know that I had mine configured wrong, (not using the mon. out jacks.) I was unable to separate volume between the mains and monitor. Pretty sure this will help.