Irina_I in Meet the community



Username: Irina_I

Role: Community Moderator

How long have you been with Bose? June 2017 (3 years)

Favorite part of working at Bose: Helping people

Favorite Bose product: Home Speaker 500


Favorite music genres: Pop and rock

Favorite artist or band: Pink

Favorite movie: Les Misérables (2012)

Favorite TV show: Grey’s Anatomy

Favorite book: The Green Mile by Stephen King

Favorite food: Desserts

Favorite place to vacation: Sunny places by the sea!

Hobbies: Gardening, archery and anything creative like painting or knitting

Dream job as a child: Veterinary

If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Unrestricted healing powers

Do you have any pets? No