L1 compact or L1-pro8

The question is .....If you already have a L1 Compact and had very good reaction with it. Do you dump it and buy the L1 Pro8? I remember the ads about the compact and I went to Guitar Center and bought one and a T4s and T8s mixers. Love the tone. Its mind boggling why a person who has had great luck with the compact want to get the Pro.

I was in a similar situation recently -- my L1 Compact was my favorite Bose PA (I had an L1 Model 1S, two S1 Pros and the Compact).  I still went ahead and purchased the Pro 8 and haven't used the Compact since, although my plan was to keep it as a backup at least until the Pro 8 was in use for a few months and I felt comfortable with it.  I sold the Model 1S to pay for the Pro 8.  As much as I loved the Compact, I'm really very happy with the Pro 8 so far.


As for the the main benefits over the Compact, you'll get better overall tone, much improved low end, built-in bluetooth for streaming music and since you have Bose mixers, you only need the single ToneMatch cable to carry both the power and audio to/from the T4s/T8s to the Pro 8.  You also have 8 speakers vs. 6 in the Compact and the sound from the main oval shaped "racetrack" speaker in the Pro 8 is like night and day from the Compact.  As far as portability there isn't that much of a difference from the Compact, both are very easy to transport. There's a guy on YouTube (Gary Roberts) who has A/B'd the Compact and Pro 8 with his acoustic guitar.  He has a couple of videos with the Pro 8 in his home studio that I found helpful.  Best of luck.

I'm only guessing that the reason that anyone does an upgrade of anything is they were not satisfied with what they had. You know the old saying......"if it ain't broke..............