L1 Compact Parts

I know this is not a swap shop, but if anyone could nudge me in the direction to find new or used parts for a L1 compact appreciation would simply overflow....

Hi Joyof60.

You can get parts and service through Bose Support.

Bose® Product & Technical Support at (877) 335-2673
(U.S. and Canada only)
Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM ET
Other regions


Gentle reminder to all:  We don't do peer-to-peer buy and sell transactions in this community.

Yes, with a most humble apology if my intentions were misconstrued. I, by no means, intended to engage in any peer to peer trading,  just maybe the name of another forum somewhere where it may be possible as well as allowed.  BOSE parts and service refuse to sell me the replacement board I need, and I would love to continue to use your fine product, so I am grasping at straws. Many apologies for seeming to cross the line.

Hi Joyof60.

There's no need to feel like you're grasping at straws.

Bose Support will repair the L1 Compact for a fixed fee, and that will include a one-year warranty.