L1 Model 1S and S1 Pro with Line6 Pod Go

Hi All,

I have the above 2 Bose units which I run through T1 tonematch all depending on the venue (not both together) and have just purchased the Pod Go using it with a Fender Strat 3x single coils.

I found the Pod Go a very good unit but somehow it came out too bright and trebly on most of it's patches even after EQ'ing etc, couldn't seem to get the tone right.

I actually thought I had been doing something wrong. When I investigated the Global settings however I realised it's shipped with the Global EQ actually 'ON' a line 6 setting by default, so I turned it 'OFF'. Problem solved, totally tamed it down. I also know now the Helix is shipped with the default EQ setting on.


Just thought I'd share this should anyone else find this issue.