Which of the three main inputs (on the L1 Pro 16) should be used to connect a Tonematch T8s in stereo to two (2) L1 Pro 16 units and to what position should the gain level be set?
Jim S.
Which of the three main inputs (on the L1 Pro 16) should be used to connect a Tonematch T8s in stereo to two (2) L1 Pro 16 units and to what position should the gain level be set?
Jim S.
Hi, thanks for the reply.
Looks like that I can use any of the three inputs on the Pro16 with my T8s Tonematch.
I have 2 x T1 and 1 x T8s used with 2 x L1 II.
Using the T1 and keeping the same T1 Master Out volume, the analogue input connection on the L1 II base unit set at 12 o'clock gives volume-wise (to me) equivalent to that for the direct digital input connection.
The corresponding recommended (by Bose) analogue connection on the L1 II base unit is between 9 and 10 o'clock. (Otherwise, excessive "hum" is generated.)
So, is there a corresponding analogue input gain for the Pro16 inputs when using the T8s?
Jim S.
Hi Jim,
I have no answer for that question.
It it would appear we have no beta users with experience with prior L1 systems.
There are more technical instructional videos. I would encourage you to search youtube for those, as they will be your best information until such time as real users show up here.