First time trying to use this on a gig. And it wouldn't power on.
As soon as the power cord is attached it seems to cycle on and off on it’s own. Flashing the phantom power light 2 times and then the phantom, Bluetooth and power button light simultaneously once.
it was working fine at home. I carefully loaded and strapped it in the car. Took it to the gig. I got Front door parking. I unstrapped the seat belt and took it in. I used my furman power strip plugged directly into a 110 outlet.
After trying it out with my gypsy jazz trio on Monday. I was excited to use it tonight (Friday). And so embarrassed when I had to
text them and say bring your gear. They couldn’t believe it either. They asked me if I made sure I was plugged in. lol
Had to put the Bose back in the car and use my tiny Phil jones bass amp. Thank goodness I got there early.