Left QC earbud unable to charge

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Hello Beckham, 


Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the forums. 


Thanks for choosing our new headphones, lets get this issue fixed for you. Has the case ever able to charge the left earbud and have you noticed any damage to any connections which may have caused this issue?


I would've recommended a reset on the earbuds, as shown HERE, to clear any minor underlying issues. If the case is fully charged, it will charge your buds when they are connected, and will only require two hours to fully charge your buds. 

same problem found in my qc earbuds. bose company shoulder to repair or replace it.

Even I have been having this problem for the last two months. The left QC earbud has been charging on and off. A frustrating experience!!

I have tried the Reset and also cleaning the contacts. Both have not helped.


Now finally the left earbud has stopped charging completely.


Sad to see such expensive stuff failing with in a year of purchase.


Feel frustrated and cheated with this product.

Hi guys,

Have a new peculiar situation with my ear buds!!

My case charges well and and I get 5lights when fully charged. However, when I disconnect from the power source, the earbuds get discharged even though the case shows that it is charged.


The earbuds get charged when the case is connected to the power source and start discharging once the power source is removed.


Can someone help?