Lifestyle 12 ii minimum audio input cable length and Optical to co-ax considerations

What is the minimum audio input cable length for the lifestyle 12 ii. Its currently way too long but according to the manual page 10 its also used as an antenna for the the remote control. My plan was to reduce the cable to approx three feet - will this  stop the remote control working. If reducing the length is not recommended then is it acceptable to bundle the cable together and hold in place with a cable tie? ALSO - my intention is to connect a new Sony TV using its optical out. It will connect via an optical to co-ax adapter. Is it correct to assume that the audio input cable is 75ohm as recommended on page 12 of the user manual which states that cables over 2 metres must be.





What is the minimum audio input cable length for the lifestyle 12 ii. Its currently way too long but according to the manual page 10 its also used as an antenna for the the remote control. My plan was to reduce the cable to approx three feet - will this  stop the remote control working. If reducing the length is not recommended then is it acceptable to bundle the cable together and hold in place with a cable tie? 

I am sorry to say I am unsure about this and will have to wait and see what a Bose admin says.


I was going to recommend using a universal remote with this receiver, but the CD5 unfortunately does not work with universal remotes. If you want to use a universal remote as shown in my guide, your system would have to include either a CD20 or an M-1 receiver.


But you are not out of luck. I made the chart below using the information found at My Bose Repair. I listed every subwoofer that Bose made for their Lifestyle CD receivers and showed what systems were compatible with them.

 CD5 & CD5V*CD5V2*CD10CD20M-1

Single Cube






¹AMP3 series I or IILS 3 & LS 3 II----
¹AM-8PLS 8----
¹AM-8P II-LS 8 II---
¹AM800P II-LS 800---

Single & Double






¹²AM900P-LS 900---

Double Cube






²AM5 series I, II or IIILS 5 & LS 5 II----
²AM5 IV-LS 5 III---
²AM9P / AM25PLS 12--LS 25-
²AM-25P II-LS 12 II-LS 25 II-
²AM2683--LS 10 & 11--

Jewel Cube






³AM5PC ---LS 20LS 40
³AM30P---LS 30-
³AM30P II---LS 30 IILS 50

* NOTE: The CD5V2 music center outputs a digital control signal to the bass module. The older music centers (CD5 and CD5V) do not have this function and will not work with the AM-5 series IV / AM-8 series II / AM-25 series II bass module. All 3 of the CD-5 versions (CD5, CD5V, CD5V2) look identical, however the insides are very different.

¹ Sub's EQ set for Single Cubes (older version with a red line called a falcon speaker)

² Sub's EQ set for Double Cubes (older version with a red line called a double-falcon speaker)

³ Sub's EQ set for Jewel Cubes


As you can see, you can easily purchase a second-hand CD20 and know that it will work with your AM-25P II subwoofer. this will allow you to use 3rd party universal remotes if you find one of the accessories I listed in the guide.


For anyone else reading this, I go over a couple of other points around swapping Lifestyle CD receivers in this post



ALSO - my intention is to connect a new Sony TV using its optical out. It will connect via an optical to co-ax adapter. Is it correct to assume that the audio input cable is 75ohm as recommended on page 12 of the user manual which states that cables over 2 metres must be.

Yes. I go over how to connect a Lifestyle 12 with the digital coax connector on the subwoofer cable in this guide. I also link a few options including an automatic audio switch.


I hope that these answers help solve your questions. Let us know what you end up doing 🙂

Many thanks for the detailed answer. It's a shame that Bose have not responded regarding my questions but it's good to know the universal remote update options as you describe.

Purchase what you want and if it doesn't work, return it.  No need to over-think these things.  It will probably work fine.


Many thanks for the detailed answer. It's a shame that Bose have not responded regarding my questions but it's good to know the universal remote update options as you describe.

Well, as long as you purchase a CD20 and use one of the universal remote options I list in my guide it'll work. I would look for one of those universal remote options first before you purchase that receiver as they can be hard to find and sometimes expensive. I for one would probably look into upgrading your system entirely, but the nice thing is you have options. 


Let us know what you end up doing 🙂