PM8500 has a configuraion of PM8500N


One of our partners reported us that when downloading configuration of brand-new PM8500 (non Network), PM8500N appeared on the project view of CSD3.05. I had him upload configuration which has PM8500 on the project view before tuning. But is it ok if PM8500 is set up as PM8500N?


Hi Kakudo,

Not sure how this could have occured, but we will investigate. You advised them correctly, that was the best action to take. Normally it is not possible to configure a PM8500 as PM8500N or vice-versa, the software should not allow it…

Best regards

Hi Kakudo,

Is it possible that it was just the label that was incorrect as shown here?

Here the device is correct ‘PM8500 (Main)’, but the label incorrectly shows ‘PM8500N 1’ This is a known, low-priority issue, since it is only affects the default label.

Best regards

Hi Rob,

I understand it is just a label issue.


Hi all, 

I may be having the same issue. I've had 7 amps blow (PM8500) and now have 2x PM5800N that i cant seem to send the old designs to. doesn't seem to like the difference in device name.

Is there a way to change this? (Connection through USB)

Hi Kirk,


My name is Guillaume ROSSET.

I am part of the European Professional Technical Support Team.

Don't hesitate to call me @ 331 30 61 65 23.

I am located in Paris, FRANCE so please take into account the time difference.


Best regards

Hi Kirk,


I also want to point out that this sounds like 2 topics.

1. There is a device labling issue in some cases with PM8500 showing as PM8500N (device title only). This is not going to cause an issue.


2. If you replaced a PM8500 with a PM8500N (for example), trying to push programming from a non-N model in CSD to an N-model in hardware may not work correctly. My advice would be to copy individual parameters of each block (EQ, limiters, matrix etc) one by one to the new amps. This is not as time consuming as it sounds.


Thank you,

