Problems with T1 selector knob

Hi, I’ve had a T1 for 5 years and it has always worked perfectly. Recently the main selector knob remains “stuck” on the tonematch selection irrespective of how the dial is rotated. This corrected itself after about an hour of being on last time it happened. I have a gig on the weekend and hoping someone has some advice to get it working again. Thank you in advance. 

Hi Brendon1!

How many times has this happened on the T1, and how recently did the issue start?

Did the display remain stuck on the ToneMatch selection page even after power cycling the T1? 

I recommend trying a software update on your T1 to see if this fixes the problem.

Thanks for the feedback, it has been playing up for the last 2 months. If I reboot it the problem remains. I will try the software update 👍