I just sent my replacement Bose L1 Model 2 in for repair. The first one went bad in 4 months. I simply turned the power on and I could get no sound. Bose graciously replaced the entire power unit with a new one. Now, 11 months later, my replacement died right in the middle of a song.
I baby my system. Pack it carefully for each gig I play. I'm careful to use it in a way that doesn't abuse the electronics (start volume low, and bring it up slowly). I have it in a good environment, with proper humidity, etc. So what is going on here? I see other people stating that they have had their systems for years without issues. I'm happy for them, but I've gotta say, I'm more than a little nervous to continue using this system for future gigs. I have a backup system... not very powerful, and it certainly can't compete with the incredible sound of the L1. And when the L1 fails, I'm without it for 2-3 weeks, not to mention the hassle of shipping it back or the repair cost ($250 is not bad, but still.)
I'd like to know how many others have had this issue? I want to know if this is a common problem, or a rare instance. I've got a heavy schedule this summer, and I really can't afford to have this happening. For what I paid for this system, I'd expect it to be super-reliable. Musicians should have confidence in their PA systems. I do not. Please don't reply to this, if you've had no issues. I'm interested in how many of you have had issues with the power base portion of your L1 Model II. Thanks.