Searching for a PA for a duo (1 guitar, 2 mics) for cafes/bars but also weddings or christmasparties

Dear community,


we are in search for a PA for our duo. Right now we're playing in smaller venues (cafes, bars, rooftops or even in a living room 30m^2). But for the coming year we have some bookings for Christmas parties and weddings. These events are up to 150-250 ppl (probably less)


It would be nice if we'll find a PA which suits it all. I think that a Bose L1 Model II is probably an overkill and am considering these systems:


Bose L1 Model 1S & B2 Bass Package ( Bose T1 Tone Match Audio Engine)
Bose L1 Model 1S & B1 Bass Package ( Bose T1 Tone Match Audio Engine)
Bose L1 Pro 8 (bit worried about the hiss and the high pitch tone issues)

Bose L1 Pro 16 (bit worried about the hiss and the high pitch tone issues)


My first choice would be Bose L1 Model 1S & (B2 OR B1)

What do you think regarding the room sizes and the nr of ppl (see above)? 

Would you get a B2 or B1 bass. 


I'd really appreciate your help. Thx in advance!! Michael






Hi chesterluck,

Welcome to the Bose forum! Thanks for joining us.

All of these systems would be ideal for your setup. The L1 Model 1S would certainly provide ample power and coverage for venues like these and audiences of up to 250 people.

As for which bass module to go for - what style of music do you perform? Do you use any backing tracks?

Hi Dylan


Thank you for your response.

Regarding the style of music. We are an acoustic duo (playing from jazz, soul, blues, pop, fingerstyle)
For future performances we will use also a looper and/or abelton live (push2) to create some rhythm loops (including bass, synth, drums etc).
We also plan to use the system for playbacks in breaks and for dancefloor.

Do you thing the L1 Model 1S will handle smaller room good? So playback in my living room (living room PA) and in small coffeehouses?


Greetings chesterluck

Hi chesterluck,

The L1 Model 1S will also be suitable for smaller rooms. If you're looking to incorporate backing tracks with bass and drums, I'd suggest using the B2 bass module for more power in the low end.

Hope this helps!