Hi, I am experiencing short sound cuts when I listen to music with my new headphones 700 noise cancelling with my macbook pro. When I do listen music from my iphone, I do not experience any sound cut. Please, could you please help me?
When you experience these sound cuts with your audio, are you connected to both your MacBook Pro and your iPhone? If so would you still experience the same sound cuts if you were to disconnect the iPhone and just be connected to the MacBook?
The reason I ask, is there is a thread HERE discussing an issue with stuttering audio when connected to more than one device at a time. It's something our engineering team is currently looking into and working to resolve. If this is what you are seeing, I would recommend keeping an eye on that thread for any updates!
If your headphones are not showing the same behavior and are doing something different let me know so we can see what else we can do to get you up and running correctly!
I have been experiencing the same issue only recently. Mine occurs both on my macbook pro and iphone and tends to happen in bursts where it cuts out intermittently as if you quickly paused and then unpaused.
I am experiencing this same issue. I would describe it as more of a "static" or "crackling" sound.... it lasts for approximate 1 to 2 seconds.... it only happens when I connect the headphones to a television. And it happens every 1m 50s to 2min. It does NOT happen when I am connected to my Acer Chromebook or my Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra.
I am having the same issue - crackling sounds, audio cuts out for only a second or so. This happens when connected to my MacBook and also my Bose Soundbar 700. It actually happens more frequently with the Bose Soundbar - which is surprising as they're both Bose products. Disappointing.
What have you tried in terms of troubleshooting to remedy this? For example, have you tried updating the firmware of all of your products? Have you tried resetting the products? Changing WiFi router channel settings? removing and re-pairing the headphones?
it is precisely the updating to the latest firmware that has caused the audio stuttering issue to be even more prominent. Go see those firmware feedback threads for versions 1.70 and 1.82, has been ignoring those comments posted by multiple customers, and yet you're still giving the bad advise to ask customers to update firmware that'll only make the problem worse than before. Well done following the support SOPs to the letter!
I am having the exact same problem. It happens at least every two minutes and has made it impossible for me to use the headphones. I would really like those to send me a direct reply on how I can fix this, or offered to take the product back. I purchased it less than a year ago.
I am having the same issue. When I connect to the IMac it has the cut outs frequently. I have made sure that it is not connected to more than one device but it happens multiple times a minute. I have tested it with multiple media sources - digital video, DVDs, audio, skype, and it seems to happen with all of these. I got these headphones so I can have high quality communication with the computer for Zoom and Skype calls while being able to watch videos and audio as part of my work. It does better with my Iphone. I have made sure the devices have the latest firmware and the headphones are brand new (got them two days ago).
I am hoping someone has an idea how to fix it otherwise I will have to take the headphones back.
Welcome to the frustrating and disappointing world of owning a pair of Bose NC700 Headphones. I bought them when they were originally released 2 years ago and have regretted it ever since. The issue you are describing has been around since the beginning and are very aware of it; however, has done nothing to fix it despite countless continuing reports. We always get the same generic "we're working on it" responses. There have been multiple firmware updates that barely address any of the dozens of outstanding problems but instead launch relatively worthless "new features". Even better, each firmware update usually introduces new issues, makes existing problems even worse, or completely brick the headphones. I highly suggest returning the headphones if you are still able to