Soundsport Free - Charging Case Lights Not Working

Bose product name: Soundsport Free


Country: England


Firmware Version


App Version: Latest


What devices were you using that were affected and what version are they on (e.g. Samsung Galaxy S9 on Android 11, iPhone X on iOS14, etc.): iPhone 12 Pro

Detailed description of the issue and steps to reproduce: The 5 lights on the charging case that show the level of charge are not working, and the case doesnt seem to be holding as much charge as it used to. I've had the headphones for just over a year now.


What environment do you experience the issue in? (e.g. noisy office, quiet kitchen, etc.): n/a


When did you start to experience the issue? Did it work correctly previously?: A month or so ago. Worked fine before. 


Any troubleshooting steps you took: I've tried suggestions of resetting case, updating software etc - but nothing working. 



Hey Amy B, 


Thanks for posting and welcome to the Bose Community! 


I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing some issues with your charging case, I'm positive we can get this resolved for you! 


To confirm, is your charging case still charging but the LED indicators are not showing at all? Have you been able to check in the Bose Connect application the charge of the headphones? 


I look forward to your response! 



Thanks for your response! The case does still charge - but definitely not as well. Its not reaching full charge, and only lasts for about 1 additional headphone charge. 


I can check the charge of the headphones on the app, yes - but the headphones tell me how much charge they have when I take them out of the case anyway. Its the case that's causing me the issues!


, The good news is the case is independent from the headphones, so you can purchase a new case without needing to replace the entire set of headphones. You can speak with your local team here who can help you source a new case. As you are in the UK you can also reach out via Facebook or Twitter and one of our team can help you there. 

Let me know if you need anything else.