Soundtouch 300 & Acoustimass 300 Sound Issues V.20.0.10

Hello Everyone,


I just bought a Bose soundtouch 300 and acoustimass 300 from online. and it sounds really unbalanced


music in the soundtouch application sounds great


bluetooth audio sounds even better... which shouldnt be the case but whatever.


listening to the system with movies and playing video games, Sound effects sound loud and flat, treble sounds diminished. the volume seems to slightly lower in scenes with dialogue. and the acoustimass module seems to not really be crossed over correctly with the soundbar in upper bass frequencies. Ive done multiple factory resets and ran the AdaptIQ over and over again but its the same situation. the only thing I've used to help make the situation a little better is set the center channel volume to 10, and turn the bass all the way up.


I own the 321 GS II system and the Lifestyle 28 III system, both sound sounded more enjoyable when playing The race scene in Ready Player One. I heard this system in the Bose store, and it sounded great. but at home its a big let down. I want to know if there is absolutely anything I can do? software downgrade? maybe considering more adjustablility in the soundtouch app for subwoofer volume, bass and treble? the choice between having AdaptIQ on or off is available on the lifestyle system, as well as bass and treble control. Dont you guys think its only fair if the same amount of user flexibility is available on the soundtouch systems as well?  AdaptIQ doesnt seem to be working well, So I think having the ability to adjust the sound will medigate the issue


also, if anyone can tell me how I can downgrade the software for the time being until this issue gets resolved, I will greatly appreciate it!


- Gabe