Subwoofer 500 paired to soundbar 300 but no sound?

Before creating a new topic, please search the Community to avoid creating duplicate threads. If you are posting about a problem, the more of the below details you can include (if applicable) the easier it will be for others to try and help. Go to for a helpful post on how to find relevant information, including your firmware and app version information!


Bose product name




Firmware Version


App Version


What devices were you using that were affected and what version are they on (e.g. Samsung Galaxy S9 on Android 11, iPhone X on iOS14, etc.)

Detailed description of the issue and steps to reproduce


What environment do you experience the issue in? (e.g. noisy office, quiet kitchen, etc.)


When did you start to experience the issue? Did it work correctly previously?


Any troubleshooting steps you took



Hey Kjm,


Thank you for posting to the Community - I hope you're enjoying your Soundbar 300 so far!


To clarify, are you saying your soundbar is not producing audio, or the Bass Module 500 is producing no bass response? Have you tested the system across different forms of media such as films, music, and various TV shows? You should notice an audible difference in using the module for bass, and you can even adjust the bass settings in the Bose Music to your preference. 


Try a reset by disconnecting both units from power for a minute, and let us know if you notice an improvement!

I tried the reset and my subwoofer still does not work? 

Thank you for clarifying what you have tried so far. We need to dig deeper into this. 

When you look at the back of the bass module, can you see a status light? What color and pattern is it showing? 

How far away is your bass module from the Soundbar? Do you have anything like a Wi-Fi router sitting near the soundbar at all? 

Looking forward to hear from you!