T1 Bluetooth to USB device

  • I'm wondering if someone knows about a Bluetooth receiver that can be connected to USB port on T1?. The device should act as a gateway between Bluetooth and USB to let the T1 thinks that there is a computer connected on USB port. I know that the usual way to connect a Bluetooth receiver is using cannel 4/5 also that Bose already offers the Sound touch but connecting this way we can let channel 4/5 free to connect other stuff too.


Thank you in advance.

I don't know about whether the T1 USB can work for what you would like to do, but could you use RCA inputs on your PA instead?  I've used the BluMe HD by Auris with my L1 Compact with success. https://theauris.com/products/auris-blumehd-true-hi-fi-bluetooth-music-receiver