T8S with various streaming platforms

Does T8S suppress any effects while using with streaming platforms like Zoom, FB etc etc? I believe T1 suppress few effects while using with ZOOM.

Hello shaime,


The T8S output is "device agnostic", i.e., it passes the master out just as you have configured it.


The various streaming platforms, however, can alter the signals based on their own algorithms.  Specifically, Zoom's default audio settings are (I believe) optimized for meetings.  In the Zoom settings, you can change the way they process audio, including a "High fidelity music mode" and settings to send mono or stereo, suppress background noise, and remove echo cancellation.  I have not streamed out to Zoom, so I don't know which settings are optimal.


Facebook only streams mono, even if you feed it a stereo signal.  YouTube handles stereo.  You'll have to check the audio settings for whatever streaming platform you want to you to see what capabilities you'll have.


Does that help?

Perfect! Thank you.

Yes, I am aware of various settings in zoom.

Hello shaime,


Glad to help.


I just remembered (and you're probably already aware) if you are feeding your Zoom stream from an aux out, Aux 1 is the only one that passes reverb; on 2, 3, or 4, there's no reverb. That's a function of the T8S design, and not streaming platform specific.


Have fun!

I am connecting my MacBook using usb connection.