The Cricket Test

For several years I have had problems with conversations in even moderately loud environments.  I figured that I had lost some frequencies on the high end which is normal for people my age (71).  When I heard about Hearphones, I bought a set as fast as I could and my problems were solved.

    I still have not had a hearing assessment.  Here is a qualitative one:


While set in the everywhere mode and with the volume at 55 and the frequency setting at about 8 on the treble side, I was able to hear hundreds of crickets and other insects from my front deck.  When I took the Hearphones off I was able to just hear one cricket near me.  OK, that was expected.  So I asked my wife, whose hearing is known to be pretty good, how many crickets she could hear and she told me "about a dozen...".  When she put the hearphones on she was amazed at how many additional crickets she could hear.  The chirps are fairly high frequency.  I need to try this with a young person who doesn't listen to loud music often.  When I was young I camped a lot and could always hear hundreds of crickets.  Now I can again.


Thank you for sharing.  This is a great post that says a lot about the naunces of everyday life that can be missed.


Thank you,


Hey DocHowell,


The Cricket Test is such a funny term, I wasn't sure what you meant, until last night.

My wife & I were watching TV, me with the Hearphones on, and I heard very loudly, a single cricket behind the sofa.

I mentioned it to Julie, asking if the cricket was on the movie we were watching, or in the room

She said "I don't hear anything", and she moved around trying to hear the sound.


I muted the Hearphones, and, cricket gone, unmuted, and cricket was back!

Over and over I did that...had to laugh.


I never could find the cricket.