USB A-Playback Stopped Working

Hey everybody....been using my T4S since they came out...mine has been bulletproof...until the other night at a gig I went to play some music via 

  • USB A-Playback

    ...and it didn't work!!!! What. When I got home I tried a different USB drive with music on it...and it didn't work either. I test both USB drives in my mac and both work fine music plays. 
  • The T4S recognizes the USB Drive when it is plugged in and unplugged. I see the drive flashing when the music should be playing like the mixer is reading the file...but no sound????
  • Anybody have this happen to them? Do you know how to fix it? 
  • Thanks.
  • Moon Dog 

Hi Moon Dog,

I'm sorry the T4S USB A playback let you down at a gig.

Please confirm - have these USB drives worked with the T4S in the past?

You can try resetting the T4S. Please read the article and be aware, you will lose your scenes, so you'll want to back those up first.

T4S Reset

If you're not already running firmware version 1.1.4, you will want to update that.

T4S/T8S Firmware Update Instructions 

If that doesn't fix things, please contact Bose Support.

Bose® Product & Technical Support at (877) 335-2673
(U.S. and Canada only)
Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM ET
Other regions


Before ST had time to tell me I wrote down all my current settings and did a factory reset...USB Playback works again. 

I guess you can teach an old Moon Dog new tricks. 

Ha I actually didn't see your reply....thanks for keeping an eye on the forum. I know I for one am very thankful for you. Happy Memorial Day weekend ST. I am live streaming from my gig tonight if you are bored. 7 pm PST.


Hi, MoonDog.

Thanks for coming back to tell us you got things working.

Have fun tonight.