Thanks, ST. Answers to your questions embedded below:
"Please help us to understand what you're doing."
I want to record instrumental acoustic guitar. Not live stream, but to be posted to various social media. No vocals, single track.
"Are you looking for professional results or a casual record of someone playing?"
A step above casual recording. I have access to a very nice Neumann mic and either an iPhone 8 Plus or a couple year-old iPad pro. I do not have any special software.
"Are you recording any other audio in addition to the acoustic guitar?"
No other audio or vocals to be recorded.
"Vocals?" Nope
"How many inputs will you use on the T1?"
I am assuming 1 input for the external Neumann mic.
"Will you be playing audio in the room through your L1 while you are recording?"
Probably not, though I would be interested to know how this might be done.
"Are you recording a live show at a venue?"
Nope, in my home
"Are you recording in a studio environment designed for audio and video recording?" Nope, in my home.
"Do you have an iPad based DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) to process the audio track after you do the recording?"
I do not know what a DAW is. I am assuming if you mean something other than whatever is standard on an iPad pro the answer is no. And I am probably not looking for such advanced control/enhancement. I just want decent audio a step above that of the built-in iPhone mic.
"Will you be streaming the video live?"
My question was not intended in the context for going live, though it would be extremely useful to know how to do this as well if possible.
Bless you for helping!