Here in Colorado, it's about hiking. This is a short way from my backyard during pre-social distancing days. With all the home bonding due to the coronavirus, it's soothing to have the great outdoor beckoning with its mountains, trees, clouds and clean air.
The picture itself made my day Eddy.
I used to live in the Lake District in England before emigrating to Germany in 1977. The Lake District is a National Park and extremely beautiful. I sometimes really miss the beauty there, but my decision to emigrate in 1977 was probably the one of the best I've ever made. Definitely musically, as the music scene where I now live is in a completely different galaxy to where I lived before, and it has helped me in a big way to become the musician I am today. Your picture reminded me once again of how beautiful our world can be, and how lucky we are to be a part of it.
Take care everyone. If we all start to think about the general picture in times like these and not just about ourselves, and also act with others in mind we can get through this crisis. It's got to be a joint effort. If we all just try to go it alone we're destined to fail.
You're welcome Seagullman. And thanks for sharing your thoughts about the Lake District in England. Sounds beautiful and I hope one day I'll get a chance to check it out in person.
You're welcome Seagullman. And thanks for sharing your thoughts about the Lake District in England. Sounds beautiful and I hope one day I'll get a chance to check it out in person.
If you love hiking and walking on hills and mountains you'll probably love the Lakes (as the area is called for short). As far as actual height goes they mountains aren't that high, but as they start pretty close to sea level they're definitely OK.
This is what I envisage when I think about making music. It has nothing to do with skin colour, ethnic background, creed or whatever else people may think of. It's something to be shared by all with no thoughts of prejudice.
The idea behind this video is excellent. The message is truly heartwarming. The editing of the video is really good, showing how well many different types of instrument can fit together in one song.
At the present time this song has great relevance. Thanks for posting this O..
Here's a link to "The Weight - part 2" which describes the story behind the video.
I have an old vinyl LP of a live acoustic performance by Bill Withers from ages ago. I need to dig it out and play it, but right now I'll settle for the digital version of this old song. There are others more popular and more often covered, but none more poignant.
I hope your player brings up the same list that mine did.
This is a great live performance by Bill in 1973. The cool thing to me as an acoustic guitar player is that most of his hits are fronted on an acoustic guitar.
In an era when most black singers were seeking a particular sound, Bill stepped away and played music that sometimes sounded like pop mixed with funk, soul and Tony Bennett-like touches.
I have an old vinyl LP of a live acoustic performance by Bill Withers from ages ago. I need to dig it out and play it, but right now I'll settle for the digital version of this old song. There are others more popular and more often covered, but none more poignant.
I hope your player brings up the same list that mine did.
This is a great live performance by Bill in 1973. The cool thing to me as an acoustic guitar player is that most of his hits are fronted on an acoustic guitar.
Very true Tom. It also made the performances more intimate.
The BBC concerts around this time were really good. I always tried to make sure that I could watch them because there were so many good musicians featured, and the sound quality was really good for the era. I emigrated to Germany in 1977 and the concerts and music programs shown on the BBC were something I really missed. Nowadays thanks to satellite television I can watch the programs from my home country.
This one hurts a little more than most. This virus is such an insidious ailment. I don't drink too much anymore, but I'm gonna have one or two in memory this evening.
I think I shared before that many years ago I had the pleasure of opening a couple of shows for Prine, certainly one of the highlights of my life.
Tom Munch has been doing Facebook live shows for the past few weeks. I do not have a Facebook page but I do have twitter and the feed today sent me to his Blog page where I was able to watch his video from yesterday.
He did a John Denver song I had never heard before and told a bit of the story behind the song, which encouraged me to look it up on Youtube.
Thanks Tom. I'll leave it to you to guide those who might visit here to your various web locations should you decide to do so, but I'm going to share the John Denver tune here.
Tom Munch has been doing Facebook live shows for the past few weeks.
He did a John Denver song I had never heard before and told a bit of the story behind the song, which encouraged me to look it up on Youtube.
Thanks Tom. I'll leave it to you to guide those who might visit here to your various web locations should you decide to do so, but I'm going to share the John Denver tune here.
Thanks for this link O.. , I too had never come across this song before.
The John Denver song is a good one that was only performed once at a conference in 1995.
Hi Tom, the link to your website won't go there for me. I get a Bose error which reads " "content" is a required field. You must enter a value for it." I went to your site by typing in the address and watched some of your concert including this song. Thanks for introducing it to those of us who weren't aware of its existence.
It was also strange for me to see how well you can play guitar left-handed .. . Good to see you're keeping well.
one of my favourite John Denver songs is the one in the link below. Unfortunately it's only audio.
Lest it get lost in the shuffle, here is the long version of Healing Time On Earth. John Denver would have had no way of knowing how appropriate this song would be 25 years into the future. I think it is special.
While others are trying their best to write about our current predicament, we have this gem from the past. If it touches you like it touches me, share this with others in your texts, emails, conversations until every one on Mother Earth has heard it.
This is a link to Martin Guitar "Jam in Place" Facebook page. As previously mentioned I don't do Facebook, but my wife does so I have watched some of these.
Yesterday's was Laurence Juber. It's up as video, but each day there is something live.