Password Lock on PM4500


We have set the front panel lock for almost 6 years......we would like to re-config the system ; however the password was missed.

We already try to call Bose Team in Brazil but we could find the technical who installed the system in outr church.

How can we find the password or restore the amplifier to factory setting?


Best regards,



Hello I have a client that lost the password of two PM4500 I would like to restore to factory settings but I could not find the procedure, it is possible to help me?

I've sent you a direct message.


Thank you,



Hi Nohamed,


I've sent this to you in a private message. 



How can I locate the password with ControlSpace or reset the amplifier to manufacturing facility settings? I Tried with out fulfillment with the recovey process as you can read.

Hi Iseis,

I've sent you a private message.



I have this issue as well

Could you please share with me stephen_peereboom(at)



Buenas tardes, tengo un amplificador PM4500 con la contraseña  de bloque y no tengo la clave. Como le borro la contraseña?



Hola Gullsu tengo el problema de no tener la contraseña de un PM4500. Me puedes ayudar como desbloquearlo o resetearlo? 



i also have this problem for a costumer who has lost his code..


Can you please help thx

Hello Gustavo,


I've sent you a private message.





My name is Guillaume ROSSET.

Can you please contact me @ 331 30 61 65 23

I am part of the Professional Technical Support Team.

I can help you with a remote TEAM VIEWER session.


Best regards